Thursday, November 27, 2008

Earring Giveaway!!!

To celebrate the Adoption of my Boys on Dec. 12th 1990 and My Grand-baby to come from Africa soon I will give away a pair of my handmade sterling silver earrings a day until Dec.12th
Just say enter me on my blog and I will add you to drawing! Good Luck!!!


Unknown said...

Oh please - enter me!!!
~ 'becca Nimrod
Walnut Shade, MO (hoping to adopt from Rwanda where my husband works)

Tracie said...

Enter me, please!
Tracie Loux (KC,MO)
Adopting Aiden from Ukraine

tracy hanson said...

Thanks Becca & Tracie!

GinSpaghetti said...

Ooh! Enter me too please! :) Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Jackie Harmon said...

how exciting! please enter me.
(adopting from ethiopia)

Danielle said...

Enter me! I just got my fabric and I'm so excited to start on my quilt!

Unknown said...

Yippeee...enter me, too, my friend ;)


The Turgeon Expansion said...

Enter me too!

Rhonda Turgeon (SK, Canada)
Adopting Eden from Ethiopia :)

PS. One of your first Canadian customers :)

Lori R. said...

Oh yes, please -
Enter me! Mom to 4, 2 from Ethiopia, ages 12 & 13

Sarah said...

Enter me please!! Thanks! Sarah adopting from whereever God tells us. :)

Tiffany said...

Please enter me, what a wonderful giveaway!

Erin said...

oh, please enter me!!!!

Erin (mom to Mary Cameron and Jackson from Uganda)

Rod and Amy said...

enter me too!1
Erin's mom and Mary Cameron and Jackson" JjaJja Amy

Anonymous said...

please enter me!

Heather Mitchell (adopting from Ethiopia)

One Crazy Mom said...

Me! Me! Me!

~Amy Taylor from California

(Possibly thinking about praying about adopting from somewhere on the African continent. Seriously. Didn't you all start here?)

Terri Fisher said...

Please enter me! I love your jewelry and one day will purchase something...we are adopting from China!

tfisher83 AT myexcel DOT com

One Crazy Mom said...

are you going to be announcing the winners each day?

Staci said...

Just wanted to let you know how much I truly love my special necklace with Samuel and Noah's name close to my heart. It brought tears to my eyes when i saw it and how it was exactly as I had envisioned it to be. Thank you for creating it for me and I hope that you will add me to the drawing for the earrings too.
Staci T

More Dorrs said...

pick me!

(expecting from Ethiopia!)

Tammy said...

Me too please! (awaiting a referral from Ethiopia)

Tammy Vlieg (Calgary, AB)

Carlee said...

enter me please!

Anna said...

Hey I want to win something awesome! Here's my shot at it!

tracy hanson said...

I am checking this list and checking it twice! It doesn't
matter if you are Naughty or nice.
I am still gonna enter ya!

Sarah said...

OOoo Ooo pick me, PICK ME! starting down the road of adoption, and going to wherever the Lord leads us.

Jen & Rob said... me, please enter me. Thanks!
Jenny (waiting on SN adoption from China, w/hubby)

Shala said...

Enter me, please. Thanks.

Adopting from Ethiopia
DTE 5/30/08

Unknown said...

Oh oh... enter me! I'm super excited about this. I love the things you do and would love to pass one along to my friend that grew up in Africa and desperately misses it.

Unknown said...

PS - I'm "China" - if perchance I were to win, I don't have a blogspot, but my blog is

Patty said...

Enter me please!
We are adopting from Ghana & can't wait to fall in love with our next child(ren)!

mommyjen99 said...

Was just browsing your etsy shop, you have gorgeous jewelry.
Please enter me.

Amy M. said...

Enter me. Thanks.

Sarah said...

enter me please :-)

Julie said...

Please enter me. Thanks a bunch!

Amy said...

Enter me, Please!