Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas Came Early!!!
Posted by tracy hanson at 3:38 PM 7 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New Necklace Giveaway!!!
Posted by tracy hanson at 8:32 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
FLy AwAy HoMe!
Ladybugs are known as a symbol of Good Luck in the Chinese community. In China adoption it is considered a sign that a referral is coming when the adoptive parent sees one. This Ladybug necklace is a new design I created to help support Chinese adoption.
Posted by tracy hanson at 2:12 PM 9 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Adoptive Families Magazine
Posted by tracy hanson at 3:57 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
And The Winner is.....
Katie-She won a $80.00 gift certificate to my etsy site! Visit her Here.
Thank you to all who entered, Watch for more giveaways soon.
Posted by tracy hanson at 5:49 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Beautiful Baby Slings for a Wonderful Cause!
A very creative Mom makes these Amazing baby slings to raise funds for her Adoption. Go to her ETSY site Small Wish and see the Great selection she has to offer. She also has a Ethiopian Adoption Blog That you will want to visit Here!
Posted by tracy hanson at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Not Flesh of my Flesh necklace Design and Giveaway.
I am excited about a new necklace design that I will be adding to my site soon. I donated one to a wonderful Family for a Fundraiser that are Adopting from China. It has an Amazing Adoption saying on the front that reads:
Posted by tracy hanson at 3:22 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
GRAB my Button Necklace GiVeAwAy!!!
Posted by tracy hanson at 10:04 AM 20 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Are You a Guatemama?
GuateMama is an adoptive mother of a, now, three (3) year old little boy from Guatemala. GuateMama and GuateDaddy found their wonderful son online, and are convinced that you can find anything on the internet if you look hard enough, or if you have the right website for someone to find you. Go to her site and find out about the Amazing Websites that she creates
for many GuateMamas.
Posted by tracy hanson at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
Adorable Africa T!
Posted by tracy hanson at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Santa is in Hawaii!
A 13 year old Boy named Austin is raising money to travel to Ethiopia to bring home his new sister. He is assisting Santa and writing postcards from Hawaii as a fundraiser. Of course I couldn't say no and ordered several of them for little ones in our town. Please go here and order them. What a creative way to raise funds and make a little ones day!
Posted by tracy hanson at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Journey of Asian Adoption Conference is coming to Denver!

Building a Multicultural Family
A must-attend conference for current
and prospective adoptive families
Saturday, October 10
8:30am - 5:30pm
Hilton Garden
Denver Tech Center
7675 Union Street, Denver CO
Presented by:
Asian Pacific Development Center
This full-day conference is designed to support and educate prospective and current adoptive families. The conference will bring together the region's leading experts on Asian adoption.
Posted by tracy hanson at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Mini Decorating!
No this is not my House, It is a Sweet little cottage for my G-Babies! When I found out my daughter was having a Girl I started on the search and found it on Craigslist. We had to have it craned out of the sellers yard and put into ours. It was painted in many bright colors inside & out. I painted it to match our house in Greens, reds & black.. We have oodles of Fun with allot of Silliness & many Tea party's inside.
A mini sofa I got at a tag sale and had it reupholstered in Faux Leather.
A damask wall decal and 2 white Bird sconces are hung above the sofa. A iron Headboard I put in the mini loft upstairs. When the Girls get a little older we will hang the ladder back up.
Black & white damask window topper trimmed in red & Mini art framed in Black.
A vintage black,white & red oven and stove filled with kitchen items to create many delightful Goodies. We also have the fridge too. It's filled with all kinds of play treats from cupcakes to Sushi-YUM
Sweet little Alphabet tags I ordered from Etsy and I sandwiched them in between glass and framed them in black.
A vintage telephone that actually rings, Plastic fruit and a Wonderful Piece of art called "Entertaining Angels" from one of my Favorite Etsy Artists called Arian-Visit her here
My Amazingly Precious G-baby who loves to pretend.
Posted by tracy hanson at 9:14 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
It's Poppy Dip

Posted by tracy hanson at 1:20 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Eat Dessert First!
Posted by tracy hanson at 5:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Pink Pretties for a Gooood Cause!
Posted by tracy hanson at 2:15 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"Their hope is in our Hands"
That’s how I feel every time I think of The Orphans in Africa, Ethiopia and the All over the World. My Journey and Heart for adoption started The day I met my 2 and 4 year old sons and when David who had just turned 4 said to us as we entered the room “Are you The People that want to be our Parents?” As I looked into his big Brown eyes It was a little scary but still easy to say “YES”. At that point we went from two to four Kiddos under the age of seven!
I also had the privilege to travel to Ethiopia in January of this year with our oldest Daughter and her Family to bring home another Brown eyed Beauty,
Our 14 month Grand baby Girl. I am so Thankful that I was there to see,hear, and smell her roots and never ever forget where she began and how the amazing Ethiopian people were such an inspiration for us. How we as Americans can truly learn from there daily example of how they deeply Love and Treasure each other. How they show affection to each other & openly hold hands as they go about the day to day battles of constantly fighting to feed, clothe and bring water to their Families and almost always with a warm smile to give.
“To Love what I do and feel that it makes a difference-How could I ask for anymore!”
That is how I feel about my Jewelry that I design and Create to help support many non-profits and Families that are Adopting. It is passion with a purpose. My first Love for Jewelry started in High School classes I had taken and I continued to take for several years late in to my adulthood. My father was a Jewelry Designer and My mom was a talented Artist. My parents gave me a desire to want to learn anything new . I really liked designing Jewelry and It became a Deep love for me when I started donating a nice portion of the sales to others.
My Muse are the Orphans that have been given a second chance by incredible People that take the risk to open their Hearts and Love the unloved.
I am touched by The Mom’s that send me Thank you notes & pictures of their little ones and I think of each one as I put a Sweet name or message on the necklace. I love to make a treasure , Something tangible that they can have close to them as they wait for a baby to come home or as a reminder of how they chose to be a Mom and how they Love their children.
The connection between women and my pieces is also something that continues to amaze me. I have had moms connect in line at Disneyland because they were both wearing one of my necklaces. I have also met many wonderful Husbands that want a one of kind piece that will show how much they appreciate their wives and daughters. I have such a Great respect for single Mom’s who make the decision to Adopt Children and sometimes older Children and to do the best that they can to raise them, These people are just some of my Hero’s that drive me each day to be so excited to get to make my Jewelry in my little studio, each piece by hand for someone that I admire and look up to because they have chosen to Be the Change our Children Need, The Hope.
I design Jewelry to help support Children with Aids, Orphans in Africa ,Orphans waiting to be adopted, Women in third world Countries that are starting small businesses, Mother’s that have lost babies, Families that are Adopting all over the world. I have also supported people that are doing missions work and many other groups that have huge Hearts for Children.
As you can see I am so very Thankful that I get to do what I do each day and be part of so many lives that Inspire me.
Posted by tracy hanson at 5:18 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
World Peas
Posted by tracy hanson at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Treat Jars
Posted by tracy hanson at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lady Bugs, Hope & Mama
Posted by tracy hanson at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Laundry Room Loveliness
Posted by tracy hanson at 6:38 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
People Magazine Celebrity Baby Blog!
A necklace that I designed for a sweet gift shop was featured on the People Magazine Baby Blog! I was so excited when I was contacted for permission to feature it! Please click on the picture to be taken to the website:
Posted by tracy hanson at 11:34 AM 4 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Cupcakes for our Cutie!
Posted by tracy hanson at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A Wonderful Ethiopian Blog!
Posted by tracy hanson at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
And The WINNER is!
Posted by tracy hanson at 11:35 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Necklace Giveaway!!!
Only Three more days to Enter to win the "Adopt-Be the Change" necklace.
I designed this piece for a wonderful organization called The Adoption Exchange,
They are making a Big Difference in the lives of many Children. please find out more
about what they are doing here. Just leave the words on my blog "enter me" and you will be!
Posted by tracy hanson at 3:21 PM 8 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Silked Screened Goodies
Posted by tracy hanson at 2:49 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Win This Necklace!
Posted by tracy hanson at 7:32 PM 19 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Quilt Love update & contest winners!!!
Natalie F. 1st Place winner!!!
Heather M. 2nd place winner!!! $50.00 gift certificate to my site. She created several quilts that were so Beautiful! The fish quilt is just one of hers.
3 runners up prize winners
Cindy P.
Her quilt was very fun and unique. Her quilt has the sun and the Heart!
Jena Ps Husband!
We were all so impressed that he made this Great Quilt! The one with the Green Africa!
Posted by tracy hanson at 4:37 PM 7 comments